A leading provider of Human Resource Services and Solutions for small and medium-sized businesses
- Job postings
- Reviewing and shortlisting candidates
- Interviewing
- Skills testing
- Reference checking
- Negotiations
- Implementation of non-disclosure policies
- Offer letters
- Company policies and procedures
- Company processes
- Benefit orientations
- Sourcing benefit plans that will fit your company’s needs
- Sourcing employee assistance programs that will fit your company’s needs
- Creating standard operating procedures for equipment and processes
- Emergency procedure development
- Accident investigations
- Facilitating a work-well audit by the Ministry Of Labour
- Compliance with Ministry of Labour orders
- Development of risk assessments Management of WSIB Claims
- Return to work program implementation
- Workplace harassment training/ Bill 132 (Ontario’s harassment and sexual violence legislation)
- Bill 168 training (Workplace violence)
- AODA training – Building policies/building training programs for employees/ensuring compliance with all government legislation.
- Career development
- Job sourcing
- Job description development
- Job ratings
- Pay scale/pay grid development
- Helping to improve company culture
- Facilitating personality testing such as Thomas DISC, True Colors, and Myers Briggs
- Team building program development and engagement activities
- Reorganizations
- Realignments
- Amalgamations/Acquisitions
- Strategic planning
- Initial interviews
- Detailed investigations
- Conclusion
- Follow-up
- Evaluation
- Conflict resolution and de-escalation
- Offboarding/Exit Interviews